Tissue Donation
Dedicated to healing through tissue transplantation

Understanding Donation
The Centre for Tissue Engineering sources, processes and supplies human tissue for implant, transplant and therapeutic purpose. Continual research and development activities are aimed at improved treatment options for patients. Proudly ISO 9001 Accredited.
Why a Butterfly?

Understanding Donation
What is the difference between organ and tissue donation?
The concept is the same: A person decides that after his/her own death, another individual should benefit from healthy organs and tissue through transplantation – rather than these being committed to the grave.
Organs are retrieved when a patient is brain stem dead, still in hospital and medically supported. About 1% of people die in circumstances in hospital that allow for successful organ donation. These circumstances seldom occur, however.
To put this into context, statistics show that the greater population will either pass away at home, at work or on the road, under circumstances that prevent successful organ retrieval. In such cases the donor can donate tissue, which is equally as valuable and life-altering to a patient in need of a transplant. This means that a far greater number of people have the opportunity to donate tissue.